Monday, January 21, 2013

Are you getting 25% cash back from your credit card processing company? You can with Match Rate Plus

What is Match Rate Plus?

MatchRate PLUS is a privately held debtfree Limited Liability Corporation headquartered in Naples, FL. We market a patentpending monthly Cash Back payment processing program to businesses that process credit cards. With MatchRate PLUS, businesses receive Cash Back every month equal to 25% of the residual commission generated to MatchRate PLUS from their merchant account for the life of their account.
How do I know how much cash back will I receive?

You must contact one of our Account Analyst at 1-800-518-9776.  They will ask you for the promo code, Please use 28413. They will take a look over your past transactions and give you an estimate as to how much you will receive in your merchant account.

Is this just a promotional offer?

No, this is something you will receive for the life of your account.

How do I sign up with Match Rate Plus?

You can access our website or call 1-800-518-9776 (M-F) 9AM-7PM, EST. Please use PROMO Code 28413.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Still not sure about Motor Club of America? We've got you covered!

Making money has never been easier with Motor Club of America.  More and more people are joining, not only for the coverages MCA provides, but also the economic proof income that you can receive by being a referral agent. Check out my website and get a good idea of what all the buzz is about.

Click here to learn more!

Look at the income potential~~!!