Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Motor Club of America marketing has gotten out of hand!

Motor Club of America, AKA as MCA is true, legit company that has been in business since 1926 to help you when you are out on the road. You may see alot of craziness out there in cyberspace as to how you can make millions of dollars and all kinds of shady advertising which gives the company a bad rap but the truth is only one.  MCA pays YOU to sell their memberships.  It is a commission only compensation plan which means you only get paid when you sell memberships and in order to get paid you MUST go out and sell memberships.  You must present yourself in a professional manner to make sure you give MCA the professional image it deserves. Online is a great way to market but there are many ways to market offline such as flyers, postcards, letters to used car dealers, and good old fashioned door to door sales. MCA is a numbers game, the more you get out there and spread the word the more odds you will have of making sales.  There are people out there making serious income, but they dedicate themselves in heart and soul to MCA and get out there and make sales.  MCA has a great product with so many benefits that far outweigh the competition.  MCA offers you a Life Insurance Policy, Medevac services, travel assistance, and many more that is a great value for only $19.95 a month. If you compare these services to other Roadside Assistance Plans on the market you will see how MCA far outweighs its competitions prices with the value of its product. Plus they PAY you to sell their memberships to others which other Auto Clubs do not offer to thier members. Please do not let crazy marketing methods discourage you from joining MCA. We are a rock solid company that has never had a single complaint about its product from any of its customers.  And you get the chance to earn some part time or full time income. 

Check out my Website to get a full look at benefits and income potential.   Don't hesitate! Get covered today AND get paid to refer customers to MCA. Only $39.95 for first and last month and then $19.95 a month thereafter!

1 comment:

  1. Just doing some searching for the subject of MCA and came across your blog entry. Some of the agent attempts at marketing DO take away from the credibility of the service, My wife and I are newbies, just signing up and are not dissuaded by some of the outlandished websites and youtube ads. It's a great product and is part of the longstanding, honest profession of full-time commission sales.
