Tuesday, December 25, 2012


1. Building a List - What is a list? An audience if you will.  It is a list of targeted or converted leads that are interested in what you are promoting.  Your list will receive all your emails going out.  Be kind to your list and dont just send them: Buy, Buy, Buy!!!  Send them valuable tips to help promote their business, interesting facts, how-to instructions such as how to post ads, how to set up an auto-responder, etc.  Also, always give thanks to your list because they can be on anyones and choose to be on your list. Just like people have the choice of shopping at any store but choose going to certain stores because they are treated well where they go.  When you offer your help, people will follow and appreciate you, so appreciate back!
2. An autoresponder - What is an autoresponder? An autoresponder gives your prospects an automated response everytime they opt in to your capture page and gives them information about your online business.  It also thanks them for their interest in your business and offers help in the sign up process and often can clear up any doubts or questions.  This allows you to run your business on autopilot and helps you "be there" when you can not "be there" to answer questions.  This is what is going to put your business on auto-pilot and helps you build a relationship with your leads.  These messages are pre-programmed into your auto-responder so everyone that opts-in will receive the same message over and over again. Its like you being there 24 hours a day! Be sure that you provide an opt-out link in your emails because they last thing you want to be accused of is spamming people.
3.Capture pages and landing pages - What are capture pages and landing pages?  Capture pages and landing pages are attractive pages that your prospects will be led to when they type in the domain you provide for your business.  These are very useful because it provides a snapshot at what your program is about and draws a prospects attention to what you are promoting.  Why are these useful?  They are essential to begin building your list and becoming successful in your online business.  They usually contain an attractive background and a place where your leads must place their name, email and phone number so you can contact your leads and follow up with them.  Once a lead places there information, they will go to a video that will provide more knowledge about your program and begin captivating your viewers and ultimately, converting them into sales. You can purchase programs to make your own or some online businesses provide them for you with their membership.
You can click here to see an example capture page that I use for my Motor Club of America business.  The great thing about this marketing system is that the autoresponder is included in the membership, so I do not have the additional expense of an outside autoresponder system.
4. Article Writing - Writing articles is by far the best form of traffic you will get for your online business.  Mr. Paul Birdsall, internet millionaire, says that 80% of your traffic will come from publishing online articles.  The reason being is that online magazines only choose high quality articles to be part of their ezine and when you do an online search for whatever program you are involved in, it will get ranking in the major search engines and provide valuable, content rich information to people who are seeking information about any topic.  Don't forget to include your call to action at the bottom of your article to drive traffic to your website.  What is a call to action?  This is what compels people to take action and join your program!! This is where you will include your website of where you want people to go to, to learn more about what you are promoting. Dont like to write? There are many ghost writers on the internet that are eager to write these articles for you.  For a small fee, you will get a lifetime of traffic to your site, which can leads to many, many sales even without you being there! How beautiful is that? I highly recommend Mr. Charlie Page.  He has a very successful Ezine and can learn more about his services at www.charliepage.com.



Learn more about my online business BY CLICKING HERE

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